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Finding Great Sales People, Sales Talent, Sales Ability, Hiring top sales performers

Drive dealership revenue with Hire Capacity

Auto Dealers - Your Industry is so Unique, We Have Special Assessments Just for You!

In order to improve sales and reduce turnover, many auto retailers rely on pre-employment testing to help identify their best potential employees.

Some Industry Statistics

  • Slightly more than 1.9 million people were employed in the retail auto and parts industry in 2022.

  • It’s estimated that turnover costs the auto retail industry between $5-$7 billion annually

  • Auto retail employment grew by over 27,000 people from 2021 to 2022.


Why Should You Consider Pre-Employment Testing?

Many auto dealerships use pre-employment assessments when hiring for salespeople, service advisors and parts counter positions. Pre-employment testing highlights the kinds of candidates who have the ability to thrive in those roles and the personality to be comfortable and effective in those roles as well. For auto retailers this can mean improving productivity, employee retention, and overall sales.


What Tests to Use?  Hire Capacity to the rescue!

The most pressing hiring need at most dealerships is for salespeople who can close deals. For that we offer our unique SellingOptix for Auto Sales - which identifies highly effective salespeople specifically in the auto dealer space. SellingOptix for Auto is a personality test designed solely for the auto dealer, allowing them to select applicants who are a good fit for a sales role by measuring traits that are predictive of sales success, such as competitiveness, achievement, extroversion, and sales disposition.


Service Advisors are another common position for hiring in auto retail. Our SellingOptix for Service Advisors is recommended for this position as it measures the critical thinking and problem-solving ability along with the “friendly factor” necessary for Service Advisor success. 

Finally, we offer SellingOptix for Parts Counter. This is a specialized assessment to find those most uniquely qualified to handle this all important role in any dealership.


Why take a chance on ANY of these critical roles at your dealership?  Hire Capacity's SellingOptix for Auto Dealers is just what you need.

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Just for AUto sales

Auto Dealers that train their sales people in Emotional Intelligence see dramatically improved sales results.  It's true! Try these stats on for size:

  • 27% increase in closing rates

  • 24% higher customer satisfaction scores

  • 31% increase in repeat business

  • 42% increase in willingness to recommend

  • Average of $840 more revenue per vehicle

Let Hire Capacity show you how training your sales team in Emotional Intelligence will make a huge impact on your bottom line!

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