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Writer's pictureHarry Lakin

Why Personality Tests Are Critical for Top Tier Sales Hiring

Updated: Jul 8

personality tests are critical for sales hiring

Hiring the right salespeople is crucial for any organization’s long term success. Sales roles demand unique attributes that extend beyond conventional skills. While technical skills tests are common in various fields, sales is a domain where personality traits play the pivotal role. This is why personality tests have emerged as the most effective tool for identifying top-tier sales talent. Let’s explore why traditional skills tests fall short and how personality assessments can bridge this gap.

The reasons outlined above are precisely why great sales people often bounce between industries. It’s not the industry that they align to, it’s the best opportunity to sell a lot of “whatever” and cash big commission checks that gets their juices flowing.

1. Sales Skills Are Intrinsically Behavioral: Sales success hinges on behaviors and attitudes rather than technical skills. Skills tests are designed to measure specific competencies or knowledge areas, which can be quite limiting in sales contexts. Sales involves persuasion, negotiation, resilience, and the ability to build relationships—qualities that cannot be effectively measured through a standardized skills test.

2. Context-Specific Performance: Sales strategies and techniques can vary significantly across industries and even within different companies. A skills test may not account for these variations and might fail to provide an accurate measure of a candidate’s potential success in a specific sales environment.

3. Dynamic and Evolving Nature of Sales: The sales landscape is constantly evolving with new technologies, customer behaviors, and market trends. A skills test might quickly become outdated, failing to reflect the current demands of the role. On the other hand, personality traits that contribute to adaptability and continuous learning are timeless and crucial for long-term success in sales.

Why Personality Tests?

1. Identifying Core Traits: Personality tests, such as the OMS from Hire Capacity or the MBTI, are designed to uncover key traits that are critical for sales success. Traits like assertiveness, empathy, resilience, and motivation are better predictors of sales performance than specific technical skills.

2. Predicting Future Performance: Personality assessments can provide insights into a candidate’s future behavior in the workplace. For example, a high level of extroversion might indicate a natural ability to connect with clients, while strong emotional intelligence can suggest proficiency in handling rejection and maintaining motivation.

3. Reducing Turnover: High turnover rates in sales are often due to poor job fit. Personality tests can help identify candidates whose traits align with the demands and culture of the sales role, thereby reducing turnover and increasing job satisfaction. Employees who feel a better fit with their role are more likely to stay and perform well.

4. Enhancing Team Dynamics: Understanding the personality traits of potential hires can help in building a cohesive sales team. By assessing how a candidate’s traits complement those of existing team members, managers can create a more balanced and effective sales team.

5. Customized Training and Development: Personality assessments can also inform personalized training and development plans. By understanding a salesperson’s strengths and areas for improvement, organizations can tailor their coaching efforts to maximize individual performance and growth.

While traditional skills tests have their place in the hiring process for many roles, they fall short in identifying top-tier sales talent. Sales is a field where personality and behavior are paramount, making personality tests THE invaluable tool. By focusing on traits that predict success in sales, organizations can hire more effectively, reduce turnover, and build stronger, more cohesive sales teams. Investing in personality assessments is not just about hiring the right people—it's about cultivating a thriving sales culture that drives long-term success.

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